A new eBook

Speaking the truth of God’s Word

We have in our mouths the power to speak out God’s many blessings and promises over our own lives and the lives of others. Our words really do have power.

This new eBook is a collection of 116 sets of biblical declarations on a variety of themes. There is also an appendix with guidelines to help you create your own declarations. Practice the discipline of speaking God’s  truth over your life and  be encouraged, built up and revived in your faith.

Following The Lamb

Saturday 12th October, 10am to 4pm

Following Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, some are ‘astonished’ whilst others are ‘afraid’, following Him onto a boat leads the disciples into a violent storm. Is following Jesus always this challenging? Is it worth it? Isn’t better just to ‘do church’? Join us for a day led by Pastor Richard George, as we learn to walk with the disciples and learn to Follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

This event is hosted by the Horsham Training Centre, doors open at 9.30.

What’s New

Listen to recently posted messages:

True Success and True Freedom

Learning to be fruitful and yet free from worldly pressures to produce.

Leading meetings

Learn how to lead meetings with a revival dynamic

The Pioneering Anointing

How to pioneer in ministry

What is Mission?

Expanding your vision of mission

Read our most recent posts:

Write it down and make it plain

A report on the writers conference held in May: ‘Go on the adventure and you will have something to write about that others need to hear’ ‘Writing is an overflow of our relationship with God’ ‘if I write at all, I write to bless others and to the glory of God.

Latest news on Africa!

Our Bible college in Uganda is progressing well on the beautiful five-acre plot God provided for us during lockdown. Hedley and Maureen Quinton and I visited in September 2022, the first visit from UK team members, and we bring a great report.

Called to be doers

Like two engaged cogs, our spiritual life must engage with and impact the life we live for there to be fruit.

An Incredible Discovery

Recently I made an incredible discovery – I am an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ! Whatever I do now becomes Kingdom-work, because I recognise that I am being prepared to rule and reign over my life and in God’s Kingdom.

Join us Online

Although we may not be able to meet face-to-face, we can meet online! There are plenty of opportunities for you to join in and enjoy fellowship and inspirational teaching wherever you are in the world. You can join a small Way of The Spirit group to study the word together, or attend one of our live teaching events. You can also subscribe to our podcasts and download teaching to listen to whenever you like.

If you are not sure about the technology do get in touch. We would be glad to help. 

Online Groups

Don’t let lockdown get you down. Enjoy the LIFE and fellowship of a Way of The Spirit group wherever you are in the world.


Live Teaching

Teaching mornings are being held online most weekends. Find a meeting and join us.


Serving You

These are the resources we provide to serve you, so that you may find life and renewed joy in God’s word.


Download or listen to inspirational messages from the word of God.



Visit our online shop for studies, reading guides and other materials to take you deeper into God’s word.



Do one of our bible reading or study programmes, or enrol in a training course. Learn how to study the bible in a life-giving way and more…


Revival Training Centres

Come along to a revival training centre, receive inspirational teaching and be revived in your spirit.



See what God is doing for pastors and church leaders overseas, training and equipping them, transforming them and their churches.



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