Training Prophetic Bible Teachers

Prophetic Bible Teaching Course

Jesus never required His disciples to get degrees or persue theological study to become effective prophetic teachers of the Word. Rather, as with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, He opened their minds to understand the scriptures.

This course equips you for part-time teaching, mostly church based. You will be trained to co-ordinate and run local Bible study groups, organise teaching events for those participating or interested in The Way of The Spirit reading course, and to assist with the work of the related Biblical and Prophetic Faith Certificate Course.




Dates & Prices

The Prophetic Bible Teaching course is not an academic course, but studies the Bible in a life-giving and faith-filled way. It creates Bible teachers with a prophetic edge to their teaching who can go into the world and share.

Training lasts for a year and is given at regional schools with additional home study. Home study involves reading recommended books, undertaking spiritual exercises, attending local teaching days, some tutoring, and fairly regular liaison with a mentor.

The syllabus embraces three broad emphases:

1. The prophetic teacher’s insight

Knowing who I am in Christ: our insight into the secret of the Lord or the mystery of Christ, as revealed first in the covenants of the Old Testament and then more fully in the ministry of Jesus in the New, and explaining it to others.

2. The prophetic teacher’s lifestyle

Knowing God and who he is: our relationship with God as Father through the work of the cross and Pentecost, standing in his council, walking with him in holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit, and helping others to do the same.

3. The prophetic teacher’s ministry

Knowing what God is doing in our time and what we should be doing: Laying hold of the vision for revival, walking in the Way, holding forth the word of life, and exercising prophetic gifts in order to edify the body of Christ.

You should normally have completed at least two parts of The Way of the Spirit Bible Reading Course by the time the course starts.

You need to be willing and able to undertake and complete the additional home study tasks. The study load will be evenly spread and will not be great, but the home study is as important a part of the course as the schools are.

It is also important that you attend at least one of our annual conferences during the year, so that you have some awareness of the base from which The Way of the Spirit operates.

In 2024/25 the Prophetic Bible Teachers course is being run in three formats:

1. In three short schools in the North-west.

School 1: The Salvation Army, 148, Brunswick St, Stretford, M32 8NJ

School 2: To be announced

School 3: To be announced

2. In three short schools in Horsham.

School 1: St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Lane, RH12 5PU; and Blackbridge Community Centre, Three Acres Horsham, RH12 1RS

School 2: To be announced

School 3: To be announced

3. In three ‘terms’ of five Saturday mornings, meeting online.

This will be held entirely on Zoom, meeting every second Saturday morning through each ‘term’.

Whichever school you attend, you will be required to complete a course of assessed home study. Each student will have a mentor, or be part of a mentoring group as part of the course. Students are also expected to attend the Autumn Bible Conference in September 2025, (venue to be confirmed).

You can apply to attend any one of the courses, whichever is most convenient for you.

See the Dates tab for details.

All three courses have an initial administration fee of £40 which includes the cost of manuals. There are some additional costs for the North-West and Horsham courses, and for the Autumn Bible Conference.


School 1 costs £55 in addititon to the administration fee of £40, and includes meals and refreshments. The prices for schools 2 and 3 are yet to be announced.

The dates are:

School 1: October 9th-12th
School 2: February 12th-15th
School 3: April 9th-12th


Each school costs £50 in addititon to the administration fee of £40. There are travelodges in the area for those seeking accommodation.

The dates are:

School 1: October 23rd-26th
School 2: February 12th-15th
School 3: June 4th-7th


The Prophetic Bible Teacher’s Insight

October 5th and 19th, November 2nd and 16th, December 7th

The Prophetic Bible Teacher’s Lifestyle

January 11th and 25th, February 8th and 22nd, March 8th

The Prophetic Bible Teacher’s Ministry

April 12th and 26th, May 10th and 24th, June 7th

The Autumn Bible Conference

Students are expected to attend the Autumn Bible Conference in September 2025. Details will be confirmed in due course.


So much of the teaching is clarifying and confirming what God has said in the past, things I’d forgotten about. I feel like Ezekiel watching the dry bones come to life as God resurrects things I’d left behind thinking they were dead and buried. I spent 3 years doing a theology degree and I have had more revelation of God through this one week (School 2) than the last 23 years of walking with Him!


I have a new heart and I am nearer to Jesus, I am changed. The Word of God is no longer a book I read, it is a book I live. I am with Jesus and the apostles in the boat in the storm, at the feast of the 5000 and listening to Jesus when he asks “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15) God has brought me closer to him through inspired teaching and the joy of new friendships. Looking back I say to myself “How could I not have done this course? God you are so good.


It has been an amazing, powerful, life-changing week. May the Lord continue to bless this work.


The desire of my heart was to know God and go deeper with him. I have been truly blessed this week knowing more of who I am in Christ and speaking in tongues. Hearing and listening to God speaking to me was awesome. Bondages have been broken and I have been set free.


The school has moved me to another level of the understanding of God’s Word and I have been blessed by speaking in tongues and asking God what I’m saying to Him and what He is saying to me. I’ve been encouraged to keep on using what I’ve received from the School and also to share the revelations I receive.


This course has opened up the Bible to me and shown me how to hear God and respond to him. It has brought much assurance and joy in my life, (I get songs), brought us all together as a group – a band of prophets, and built up my confidence to put on the armour of God and speak out.


This course changed me dramatically …. it has really encouraged me and strengthened me in all that God wants for me.


Every aspect of the course was a blessing. My faith has grown and I’m now walking much more closely with God. God has shown me how to overcome by resting in Him so that since March I’ve been in that broad spacious place spiritually, in His blessing and under His protection.


The course has been life changing for me.

I know my identity is in Christ, that the Lord has a plan and purpose for my life and that I have an active role to play. As I’ve stepped out and whilst doing this course I have seen the goodness and faithfulness of God as He has revealed so much more of Himself to me.


How To Apply

If you believe God is calling you to this course for one or more terms you can apply online. You will also be required to provide a reference from your current church leader.

You can use the application form to ask any questions you may have, there is no obligation to join the course.
