Slade Green
Welcome to The Way of The Spirit Slade Green
In 2004 it was as if God thrust me into The Way of the Spirit annual Autumn Bible Conference. I didn’t know anything at all about the ministry, but I was searching for the TRUTH. My life then was in the bottomless pit and I needed to get out fast. I didn’t know what praying in tongues was all about, but at the conference the Word and the Spirit came together and the only way I can describe it is that it was like the veil was taken away, and for the first time I started to speak in tongues. It created in me a hunger to know the real God. I have not looked back since then. This hunger has continued and has led me to study the four main books of The Way of the Spirit Bible Reading Course and most of the short books, then to do the Part-Time and Advanced Teacher’s Courses. It has been wonderful to belong to The Way of the Spirit family. God continues to transform my life, though it has not always been easy. I have gone through seasons of pruning, fruitfulness, testing of my faith and storms etc. but in all these I have learnt to fix my eyes on the prize that awaits me. I know that at the moment I am just nibbling at what God has for me. Can you imagine if I take a big bite? There is so much more, to God be the glory! Mary Agyare, Centre Head
Teaching days 2024
Please join us for our teaching days, where we will be following the Biblical & Prophetic Faith Certificate Course.
Meetings start at 10 am, and end at 12 noon. A free-will offering will be taken to cover expenses and for the ongoing work of The Way of The Spirit.
Are you hungry for the Word of God?
Then come and be refreshed as the Holy Spirit brings alive God’s Word to you.
“If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink… from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.” (see John 7:37-38)

Mary Agyare
Some teaching events are held on Zoom – please use the form to request joining details. Otherwise we meet at:
Slade Green Christian Fellowship
Elm Road,
Slade Green,