The Way of The Spirit in Zambia
Bishop Duwen Musaka trained as a prophetic Bible teacher under John McKay in 1999 and returned to Kabwe in central Zambia with a vision for training Bible teachers in the way of the Spirit. He has been doing that ever since with occasional visits from UK teams.
In 2014 a Zambian, Vincent Kapasa, joined a group in Manchester studying the short course ‘Cherubim, Palm Trees and the Glory of God’ and caught the vision that Zambia needs The Way of the Spirit! These two streams have merged and a number of conferences have taken place in Kabwe, Kitwe in the north and Lusaka the capital.
In 2017 we held a conference in Kabwe for 108 church leaders from across Zambia. The leaders received such powerful revelation from the Word being taught in the power of the Holy Spirit that lives were transformed; the Word came alive to them in a new way and they gained new depths of spiritual understanding.
God spoke clearly as the Zambian and UK Team prayed together and as a result we established a programme of two Schools and a Conference each year with the teaching team comprising UK and Zambian prophetic Bible teachers.
In December 2017 and April 2018 we had 35 delegates attending two Schools of the Certificate Course, with teaching in the mornings and evenings, and groups studying The Call and the Cross each afternoon. They were great times of rejoicing, a number of delegates were physically healed with great joy and awe; they received life-changing revelations, notably a new and profound insight into the Father-heart of God and the truth that all God’s people can be prophetic. The study groups bore much fruit with pastors learning to hear God for themselves and to apply the Word to their daily lives.
In November 2018 and February 2019 we held two Schools to cover the Prophetic Teachers’ Course. 45 delegates were delighted with the depth of teaching – two had been to theological college and said this was far better teaching! They readily grasped the revelationary aspect of the teaching and caught it themselves in the Group Work; and also the prophetic aspect, with delegates expressing delight in the prophetic words they received from one another during the many practical sessions.
In both Schools, delegates responded to powerful calls from God on their lives. We saw delegates changing – in prayer, in worship, in prophesying. And those who have attended all four Schools give testimony of their increased understanding of Scripture and it’s application to their lives, and how their churches are changing as they preach what they have received from the Schools and the revelations they are now receiving from the Word.
These things always happen in The Way of the Spirit missions, and it is always thrilling to witness it! I believe God is preparing these delegates for revival again in Zambia; to be carriers of revival for their country as they receive revelation from the Word and teach it with life!
What a privilege, what joy!